Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

It's my birthday today! Wow, another year just flying by! So fast... sigh!

I am in what has ironically become my regular hangout, LT. A boring way to celebrate a birthday, some might say, but hey, I've had my share of glitz and glamor. I am online with my precious girlfriend... I have a steaming hot mug of cocoa (courtesy of the awesome partners at LT, probably shouldn't name names here!)... I have internet connection and access to a power point... What more do I need? I don't need to go drinking and getting dead drunk to celebrate the passing of another year, do I?

I was just thinking yesterday, I don't need intensity and passion in my life, not that I don't have either... What I need, and have, is something deeper than that. I have stability and commitment, and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what anyone else might think. Say I lead a boring life, I don't care. Glitz and glamor doesn't last forever. I've found something more lasting than that...

Oh well!

Happy Birthday to me!

Posted by jack at 8:12 AM


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