Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Snails For Dinner?

Today was a really exciting day for me... I finally got my new tattoo. Damn, it hurt like hell! I will never get another one done! (Just kidding, Selina! Got you for a moment right?) But that wasn't the main highlight. No, the MAJOR event was dinner. I decided we should try Chicago's Steakhouse at Cineleisure. It looked pretty decent, so why not...
Now looking at the menu, Ely suggested, no, highly recommended that we order the baked escargots (snails for the uninitiated), and since I was feeling all stoked from the tattoo and all, I thought ok, bring it on! Of course while waiting for our food to arrive, she got interrogated quite thoroughly. (Sorry love, you know I'm a picky eater!) What do they taste like? Would I like it? Most importantly, would I throw up?
They came in a little dish with six holes. Thankfully they were deshelled! The sight of the little snail shells would have just turned me off instantly! I regret not taking a picture. Anyway, in the holes, there was this black mass, covered with lots and lots of garlic. That should have set me thinking, but no... Ely, being the sweetheart that she is, generously offered me the first one. Erm, how do I describe it? The texture was a cross between sotong and oyster, a bit chewy, but not very firm. I couldn't really taste the flesh, because thankfully there was a ton of garlic. I managed to chew and then swallow without feeling nauseous. The second one would have been better, except there was a chunk of flesh dangling from it! Chew, chew, chew, gulp, gulp, wash down with Coke. The trick is not to think about what you're eating, but just concentrate on keeping it down!
After two, I didn't quite chicken out, but I decided to let Ely have the extra one! No, seriously. I thought I did pretty well for a first-timer. And then after dinner, she tells me that the escargots were too well cooked, that they should have been a bit more raw. Oh man, I can't imagine the taste or the texture. Unfortunately, I think I came across as a little too enthusiastic, so now, I have another escargot dinner date with her! This time round, we will go to a proper French restaurant that knows how to cook it, and allow you to enjoy the total experience of eating a snail! Wish me luck!
P/S As I was coming home, I stepped on a snail. I think they're out to get me...
Posted by jack at 9:36 AM
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