Friday, August 18, 2006

Does The Truth Always Have To Hurt?

How truthful are you in your blog? Do you write about what you really feel, or do you write what you reckon your "audience" wants to read? Do you embellish the truth just to spice things up a little? Create fantasies just for a bit of hype? What if you actually stop being able to distinguish between fact and fiction?

I know people who maintain more than one blog just to cater to different readers. I can't help but wonder how they keep their different personas separate. After all, one must have different personas to lead different lives, right?

I guess after so long, this whole concept of blogging is still a bit strange to me. Yes, I do want to say what I think and feel, and yet, there are some things that I want to keep private. Because I don't want things out in black-and-white for the whole world to read. Yes, given that it's my blog and my personal space, but I also lead a life outside of the blog. I won't embellish things just to make it fancy. Ok, so maybe my life might suck or it might bore one to tears just reading it, but at the end of the day, hey, it's me... and it's real. What I choose to share, my thoughts, my feelings, my joy, my sorrows, my laughter, my tears, my hurts, my pain, my anguish, that's all me... just me...

Posted by jack at 4:47 AM


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