Tuesday, August 01, 2006
What's The Most Difficult Word To Say In The English Language?
"Sorry"Too much ego, too much pride to admit my faults,
I try to shift the blame to you.
The barbs and stings of my words can't be assuaged in a simple apology,
and just because I didn't mean it doesn't make it right.
Verbal debates, tempers flare...
and all hell breaks loose.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will always be my undoing.
They say things will get easier with practice, so let me try it now...
I'm sorry for being such a jerk, I've been quite short-fused lately, understandably so. Still does not justify anything I say in a fit of anger. Like a wild beast trapped in a corner, I lash out at the closest things around me. And you, my baby, are the closest to me...
I'm sorry.
Posted by jack at 9:30 AM
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