Friday, April 13, 2007

I saw Saturn in astronomy class last night! Ok, given that it was only 2mm in diameter through the telescope but it was amazing! I could actually see the rings around the planet! If I only took one thing back with me from three months here, it would have to be that sight!
Posted by jack at 1:48 AM
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Quiet Morning In Davis
I've been here for exactly a week now, and finally I have internet access! Had a little technical problems at home, so now I'm at the CoHo (COffee HOuse) waiting for Nana to finish her Ecology class. So far I've sat in (unofficially) for three classes, Astronony, Evolution and American Literature. It was interesting, but I think I spent most of Literature praying that the lecturer wouldn't ask me a question.
Apart from classes, Davis has been interesting. Nana thinks it's quaint, I don't agree. It is cool, maybe not in a Manhattan-style way, but it's different. No surprise that there're lots of college kids around, because it is a college town to begin with. I can't wait for this Saturday, it's the most awaited event on the Davis calendar -
Picnic Day. One of the pre-events is a cow-milking contest tomorrow.
We took an intercity trip yesterday to Fairfield. Now most people have never heard of Fairfield, because there is absolutely nothing to see or do there, except for the Jelly Belly factory! And the best part about it? You get free jelly beans at the end if the tour.
I'm not posting a lot of photos here on my blog, most of them should be up on
SmugMug, well, at least when I have a chance to post them. Check them out, leave me comments, drop me emails... just don't stop keeping me updated!
Posted by jack at 10:40 AM
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Monday, April 02, 2007
Goodbye For Now
This will be my last post before I shut down the 'book. The next time I post, I will be in Davis, California.
Am I excited? Hell, yeah! But also a little panicky... I know I'm neurotic, I just never realised I could be this neurotic... I feel like I am forgetting this, that or the other. I hate packing. Well, maybe if I had gotten around to packing earlier, I wouldn't be in such a state of panic right now. But as any IJ girl out there can attest, we work best under pressure.
My flight is in about nine hours. Now I have to kill time before heading off to the airport because I don't fancy the idea of hanging out there with nothing to do. Nobody seems to be home now, 95% of my MSN list is offline, only Ophee. Sorry about the complaining, Ophee, just your luck that the whole world seems to be out now! Haha!
In the next three months, if you're bored, and you have nothing to do... come to my blog, look to the right. Click on the button that says "Email" and drop me a note! =)
If I saw you before I left, cool! If I didn't, I could mail you a photo!
Take care, be safe, and have fun!
Posted by jack at 5:20 AM
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