Sunday, December 31, 2006
A Prayer For Peace
Let us pray for the victims of war:
For the wounded and the dead.
For those who mourn and are afflicted.
For the earth and its innocent creatures -
Now mutilated and in disarray.
For the aggrieved and suffering souls -
Now bombed into submission and tormented silence.
For the scales of justice -
Now locked in false balance.
For the dove -
Now mocked by the metal wings of cruelty and greed.
For the yearnings and labors of peacemakers, healers and teachers -
Now degraded by the cunning and cowardice of warlike minds.
For the needy whose precious resources are now wasted and spent.
For the beautiful treasures, icons and holy places -
Now defiled by a crass science, now smashed by vulgar and heartless economies.
For those who seek to know what has befallen their world -
Now deceived and bewildered by the dictatorships of information.
We lament this poisoned and sorrowful state,
We resist this brutal invasion of the common soul.
We pray for peace.
Posted by jack at 8:33 AM
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In The Last Minutes Of 2006...
... and I am sitting at Mac's talking to my precious girlfriend. Not much of a countdown, I suppose... but I'm not in the mood for New Year celebrations.
Taking a look back at 2006, all that I can say is that it's been a rollercoaster year for me. This has really been a year of changes, lots of them. I changed jobs, and I suppose my whole lifestyle changed along with that. I quit the gym and started smoking again (after a year and nine months)...
And the most significant change in my insignificant life will surely have to be relationship-wise. I've gone through elation and heartbreak alike this year... and as 2006 draws to a close, I realise something. I'm happy now. Truly happy. I don't need to be at some wild NYE bash counting down. I'm doing just as well marking the turn of the year on the phone with Selina. At the end of the day, it's little things like these that really matter, isn't it?
Happy 2007, everyone!
Posted by jack at 7:54 AM
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
Goodbye E309

Tonight is going to be the last night I'll be staying in hall, I'm feeling a little sad. Although I technically don't live here, this little room has been my home for some time now.
Initially I had a bit of reservations moving in with Selina.
How will her hall mates react to me living here illegally? What? Shared bathrooms? And my all-time favorite - NUS is a smoke-free campus!But I've grown so used to the culture here. It never really is silent, well, except maybe on lazy Sunday afternoons, and Christmas Eve was too. But apart from that, there is always sound, someone is always doing something at any given time.

And the best part of living in Eusoff? We are just a five minute walk away from Fong Seng nasi lemak. 24-hour food within walking distance! What more could one ask for? All this, and an awesome chili for just $3.50.

I'll miss our little kitty too. She just waits right outside our door for food. The moment Selina or I open the door, she just struts right in and makes herself really comfortable. In this photo, she's actually sleeping on newspapers under the bed.
And last but not least, I'll miss Selina's funny friends, Su and Ro. I call them her funny friends because when they hang out together, these two always make me laugh! Not to mention the smoking / drinking sessions at the end of the corridor... You girls have been great!

E3 rocks! Good luck at the IHG!
Posted by jack at 5:31 AM
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My Friendster Testimonial For Selina
If I can express in a thousand words what you mean to me, I would be as great a writer as there ever was.
No, what you have given me is beyond words, beyond imagination.
You have made me laugh, you have made me cry. You have seen deep within my soul, and touched my heart. For that, I love you.
You have brought me joy in an otherwise colorless world, and made me realize that this world isn't such a bad place to be in. For that, I love you.
You reminded me of the magic of Christmas. The same way your Christmas belongs to me, mine shall always be yours. For that, I love you.
You have given me so freely of yourself, without hesitation, without fear, without doubt. For that, I love you.
You have picked up my pieces and made me whole again. For that, I will always be yours.
I love you, Selina.
Posted by jack at 12:19 AM
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas 2006
Christmas this year was a very quiet affair, by choice. We had dinner in hall on Christmas Eve. Since Selina was leaving early on the 26th, I thought a quiet dinner with lots of quality time would be our best bet.

Ok, it looks a little pathetic here, but it got better...

... like here. Obviously this is Selina's plate, not mine. Check out the salad... But all in all, it was great sharing a simple meal together, far away from the crowds!

After days of waiting, Selina gets her Christmas present... well, the main one at least!

And finally, she gets it open...
I hope you liked your present. Merry Christmas, dear girl. Here's to many more Christmas-es together.
Posted by jack at 5:55 PM
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Sorrow Is Never Sweet
Selina left me this morning. I went to the airport to send her off. She's doing a semester in UC Davis, in California. That is like halfway across the world.
I miss her so damn much, and she hasn't even reached Davis yet. I guess I am going to be quite a wreck for the next 188 days. Yes, I counted the days away from her. No, I don't know how many hours that will be.
Christmas came early for me this year. I got involved with a truly amazing girl. I guess to some of you, we might seem like an improbable combination, but truth be told, being with her has been one of the greatest joys of my life (and I seldom allow myself too much joy!)
And if ever she were to doubt what I feel for her, I will say it now... I am, without a doubt, hopelessly in love with her, and I am also without a doubt terribly lovesick!
Think I can get a six month mc for lovesickness?
Posted by jack at 7:31 AM
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Monday, December 25, 2006
High IQ, Low EQ?
I've got a high IQ, and I'm not bragging here... I know that for a fact...
So why is it that my EQ is so low? Does a high IQ always have to equate a low EQ?
Posted by jack at 6:38 AM
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Nicholas Was...
than sin,
and his beard
could grow no whiter.
He wanted to die.
The dwarfish natives of the
Arctic caverns did not speak his
language, but conversed in their own,
twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible
rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.
Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless
Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside. The children
slept, frozen into time.
He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.
Posted by jack at 8:01 AM
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Got Ink?

Tattoo #4... the problem with tattoos is that they are so damn addictive, you never quite can stop at one! Here we go again...

This is my uber-cool ink-maestro, Yong. It's the second one he's doing for me, and I doubt it would be the last! Even as I was cursing at the pain, I was already planning where to place the next one.

Oh man! This dude makes it look so effortless... this one took me close to an hour. It's the biggest one I have so far. And the lines were so curvy! (For the uninitiated, curved lines have to be done in one stroke, no lifting of the needle! So no rest for the wicked!)

And finally, after long moments of intense pain, and questioning my sanity, it seemed almost too soon that it was over. This is Arabic for "carnal". Now can someone please teach me how to pronounce it?
Posted by jack at 7:22 AM
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Why is it in the human nature to always expect more and more, and should one's expectations not be met, immense disappointment is felt? Isn't it not better then to have no expectations at all? To never ask, so as to not be denied?
My weakness is that I always place too high expectations in others, and sometimes they can be met, and sometimes, maybe not. But I'm a little tired of always being disappointed... one of my resolutions for next year will definitely be to not set expectations on anyone...
No expectations = no disappointment
Posted by jack at 7:57 AM
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Birthday Celebrations

I was invited to Mia's and Siew Lee's birthday bash at WA today. Well, not really a bash, how much of a bash can you have instore? Anyway, I was a little hesitant to go at first, not knowing quite how they would react to my going out with Selina, but they were really cool about it.
It's funny at times how the biggest worries are those that are self-generated...
Happy Birthday, Mia!
Posted by jack at 7:57 AM
hey jack.. thanks!! u think too much la dey.. jus go with the flow.. hehehe.. and all will be fine! thanks to u n selin for the luurvely cookie!! n also the sweet testi!! haha.. thanks!!
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A Time For Giving

This is my Xmas present for Selina, wrapped by me of course! I think it looks lovely, well, maybe apart from the bow, but have you tried making a bow from a silk ribbon?
Now she keeps pestering me to tell her what it is! Hahaha!
Posted by jack at 7:48 AM
wahahaha.. someone is so impatient.. slowly countdown selin.. hahahaha.. u also so bad jack.. take pic of it.. gud luck in TRYING not to tell her wat it is.. hahahaha..
wah only selina gets a persent??? me leh?
i oso wan n u still haven give me my bday present
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Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Magic Of Christmas

It's been a long time since I've felt like this...
Thank you for putting the sparkle and the magic back into my Christmas, Selina...
Posted by jack at 9:16 AM
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