Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Untold Story

Dear Ely,

let me start by saying congratulations... you have managed to scam me yet again. Thank you for the lessons that you have taught me, a very expensive price to pay, but hey, I'll have to take it as tuition fees. After all, I learnt from the very best... on how to be a ruthless bitch, on how to manipulate the people around oneself, on how to scam and con and cheat and lie one's way through life.

You went back on your word. I hope you are happy with MY iPod, and MY handphone, and MY watches, and MY belt, and whatever else you refused to return to me. Ok, I gave you the iPod, so that is settled then. But we had a deal... I bought you an LG phone in return for keeping the Nokia 7370. And your exact words were, "U can hav the lg... I will return all ur belongings at ur outlet. N dnt worry. I wont miss a thing." So why turn around today and say, "U gave the pod n lg phone i asked u if ok to sell off u said since its mine i can do wat i want with it." Fine then, if the cost of your word and honor is just a $200 handphone, then I will give it to you. It's just so sad that someone so confident and sure of herself is reduced to selling off her pride for such a low price.

Maybe I should have been the one to say "suddenly i feel like something's being taken away from me. a sense of lost. something that i've lost and just could not retrieve it back any longer. and i feel sad. pain and disappointment at you." What sense of loss did you feel? The loss of a relationship? That was almost two months ago. The relationship that I had to give up because I loved you too much. Do you know it almost killed me to do that? Don't turn around and say "... but then i've seen you as someone i could lean on, let go of my independency and be a baby with you...your baby" because the reason we broke up was that you didn't want to be in a relationship, you didn't want to end up like me or Ryan, clingy and whiny... Remember that? So when you speak of loss, I can only wonder what loss you are refering to...

The loss of my attention? Because you also said "only to have you and the world ignore me...its no big deal that the world ignores me... but its a big deal to have you ignore me...", but I have always been there for you. Even after we ended our relationship. I didn't ignore you when you needed cash, did I? No matter how broke I was... Neither did I ignore you when you wanted new shoes... You tell me you are completely broke and you need cash, but you end up going to Dbl O? Did I at least manage to pay for a jug or two that I never drank? I know I've been paying for your cigarettes for the past what, five or six months? And yet you accuse me of ignoring you?

How could I not feel taken for granted? It never felt like you cared once we broke up. You seem to have forgotten to ask me how I am, how I'm doing, the only time I ever find out about your life is through your blog, your Elite model stint, your suitors, your Dbl O fiascos, your brush with a sex fiend... all that from your blog. Did you not think I wouldn't want to know what is going on with you? Didn't you care enough to share with me? So please don't say "when you know that i care, just that its impossible for me to be in a relationship with you..." It cheapens the relationship that we shared.

Please don't say "and when i miss you, so much...that everybody feels and looks the same as you do...". I wanted so badly to believe that, trust me, I did. But that didn't stop you from dating other people, did it? When was the last time we went out? You conveniently forget when I say that we can do this, that or the other, and then turn around and make it seem like I have no time for you.

So you said "today you accused me for taking you for granted. then for mercy's sake, i shall release myself from you, lest you being taken for granted ever again..." If you really weren't taking me for granted, then you wouldn't have shunned away from me, would you?

And I don't have a responsibility to tell you who I'm seeing, because it's none of your damn business. Get this straight, we are through. I am tired of the mind games, and the manipulations. I have let myself be used by you over and over again. Maybe you loved me once, but it doesn't really mean anything to me anymore. I have your name tattooed on my wrist, yes, but you don't mean anything to me anymore... because my dearest princess, where I come from, honor and integrity count, and while I once thought you had both, I know now that you have neither.

I can only wish you well for the rest of your life. Whatever happens in your life, the outcome of your new job, your cancer, your love life, whatever, know and understand this... I don't give a damn.

Farewell princess,

Posted by jack at 2:27 AM


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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Life Is...

Life is not about back-ups plans, and escape routes... It is about taking risks, it is about not knowing "what-ifs", it is about living each day as it comes.

You might fail, you might get your heart shattered and your world broken. But at the end of the day, you know you've really lived life to the fullest.

If it is worth it, throw all caution to the wind. Jump off the cliff backwards, with your eyes closed and your hands tied. If someone catches you, great. If not, pick yourself up, and do it all over again.

Take that chance, take that risk.

Posted by jack at 6:40 PM


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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Before You Bite Into That Burger...

Posted by jack at 8:50 AM


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Monday, November 13, 2006

Femme Fatale

"... (she) would never expose her own vulnerability, no matter how much she was attracted by someone; she'd want to manipulate the other person into falling in love with her. Since she was as vain as she was beautiful, she felt somehow deprived unless she was being worshipped. She seemed convinced that it diminished her value to yield to anyone."

Posted by jack at 8:24 AM


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Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Favorite Guy

This is the only guy that I go gaga over... my friend Daphne's boy, Gabriel. Isn't he just soooooo darn cute?

Posted by jack at 9:29 AM


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Friday, November 10, 2006

What's Warm And Fluffy And Melts In Your Mouth?

My latest vice... these are so damn good melt-in-yer-mouth buttermilk biscuits. If you haven't already tried them, tough!

Posted by jack at 7:38 AM


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