Monday, October 30, 2006
At least now I know where I stand...
Posted by jack at 8:28 AM
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Time Is Running Out
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break the spell
That you've created
You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
You will be
The death of me
Yeah, you will be
The death of me
Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
Our time is running out
And our time is running out
You can't push it underground
We can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
But I'm restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted
Now that you know I'm trapped
Sense of elation
You'll never dream of breaking this fixation
You will squeeze the life out of me
Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
Our time is running out
And our time is running out
You can't push it underground
We can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this
You will suck the life out of meBury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
Our time is running out
And our time is running out
You can't push it underground
We can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this
Posted by jack at 7:37 AM
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I looked out the window, and lo and behold, there was a cow flying past...
I'm sorry.
Posted by jack at 1:10 AM
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
For You, Princess
I was going to start this entry by ranting and raving about how you lied... how could you even consider starting a relationship with him when you claimed the reason you wanted out from us was because you were tired of relationships, and wanted to be single for a while...? It cut me to the bone to read some of the things you wrote...
But the more I thought about it, the more I figured that you were right. It was an indian summer romance... that's all we could, would ever be. Do I regret having been with you? No. Do I regret anything? Never. I don't even regret that it had to end even, because although it was brief, it was intense.
Seasons come, seasons go. Soon this summer, our summer, will be lost in the passing of time. But it was ours for a moment, and it was special.
Thank you, princess, for everything that you have given me, for everything that you showed me, for all that you taught me. When it seems like there is no one there to hear you in the dark, when no helping hands reach out to catch you when you fall, when your friends are scarce, I will still be there...
Posted by jack at 12:02 AM
jack... *hugs*
sheesh...i think u better get your facts right before you start ranting about being betrayed..
you sure abt the part of your princess having a relationship already?
indian summer romance or not...wat matters is you guys had a great time. and i'm guessing and pretty confident at that your princess is still single and available..just bitching about her uneventful life of hers...
would be strongly recommended that you don't jump the gun..
afterall...princess being princess they tend to throw tantrums all over the place...
Thanks, Mia...
Single... but still as unavailable to me...
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
In retrospect, I'm glad I rejected Spinelli's offer. Sitting at the Heeran store now, and I just had a terrible experience. The manager (I assume) was such a fuckwit. I went in to buy drinks for my friends, and I swore that Spin's used to sell an Iced-T Twist, but not anymore. And Mr Fuckwit insists that they never had it... (Face it, bud, I probably already was a Spin's customer when you were just a beng squatting outside Far East Plaza!)
So I asked him if in the event of me getting the wrong drink, could I change it? And he said NO! What the fuck! How much can the cost of one stupid drink be anyway? Me being a bitch, held up the queue while I whipped out the 7370 to call my friend. And I did the
"...since they WON'T let me change the drinks..." spiel. Finally I got my orders in, and by the way, they don't do soy, like hello?!
Spin's bar standards are atrocious by Starbucks standards. The barista left my shot sitting there for like forever, ok, maybe for like twenty seconds? Whatever, twenty seconds, forever, same difference! And he apparently doesn't understand what no foam means. Sigh... I miss Starbucks... I miss my lama... I miss baristas who understand English and managers who don't stinge on customer satisfaction (well, some of them anyway!)
Posted by jack at 6:31 AM
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Hope is just a defence mechanism against the bleakness of reality.
Posted by jack at 12:00 PM
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One More Day And We're Live
Harris opens tomorrow, and I can't wait! Mainly because it means that there'll be not much shelving left to do! Haha! Of course there will be, but at a more acceptable level. I mean, there is only so much shelving that one can take. And working with fuckwits who don't know their alphabet doesn't help much either! I mean, these are Poly students, for crying out loud! Come on guys, you've made it that far already...
Am I excited? Like hell, yeah! Hey, it's back to civilisation for me... no more working in some far-off place anymore! Hmm... I seem to be moving within the same postal district though... from Wheelock to Liat Towers to Orchard MRT! Which is good because I can still call for Nana Thai. Man, I missed them the two months that I was away from town! (Sorry, Ely, I'm sure they'd deliver to VivoCity if they could!)
Anyway, I'll see you guys in the store when it opens ok? Bring food, bring coffee, bring markout cakes!

And this is how a bookstore is supposed to look like... except for that damn carton in the corner! Oh well!
Posted by jack at 11:27 AM
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Sunday, October 08, 2006
Random Musings Of A Gym Rat
I went back to the gym yesterday... today I'm paying the price for having stayed away for almost six months. I'm aching all over, and have sore muscles that I kinda forgot existed. As usual, my very good friend Fei was more than happy to see me in her Body Combat class, and she made sure I suffered as a welcome back gift! Yes, Fei, I missed you too! I promise I won't stay away too long this time ok? I don't wanna have to go through the back-to-gym aches again!
I heard that Jen has resigned from the gym. Am I happy? No. But neither am I sad either. How the mighty have fallen, but hey, we've all been in that position before. So I will not gloat over it. I am past being pissed at Jen. We were friends once, we are not friends anymore. I can hardly be bothered to feel anything at all over this piece of information. Good for a bit of gossip, yes, but not much else really.
What else did I do? I renewed my gym membership. So no more fast food, no more dessert, no more late night suppers for me... Yeah, right! If anyone has seen my instructor friends, you guys would know that they could eat a buffet clean, including dessert! So if you ever thought that to build a perfect body, you have to abstain from your favorite indulgences, I urge you to take another look at your friendly neighborhood fitness instructors. You'll realise that they are so not munching on a carrot stick disguised as a chocolate brownie! Right, Fei?
Posted by jack at 4:05 PM
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Thursday, October 05, 2006
I was waiting for Ely outside Liat Towers earlier in the evening, and coincidentally SB-LT was having a store meeting. She was running a little late, so I got to observe the whole meeting in its entirety.
I was actually quite fascinated by the interaction between Hannah and her little sister. I couldn't hear them, having been some distance away. But it was obvious from the body language that the little girl adores her elder sister, and Hannah adores her too. Being an only child myself, I just think it's amazing the bond that they seem to share. It must be so nice to have someone think the whole world of you, how you could do no wrong in their eyes.
I wish I could have someone who would view me through non-judgemental eyes...
Posted by jack at 8:28 AM
you had someone who viewed you with non-judgemental eyes only you viewed yourself with too much judgement...
I judged myself too much, only because I always wanted to be perfect for her...
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Bunny Book
I have a friend who loves bunnies. I bought her a book on bunnies once, but she didn't seem too appreciative of it. I thought it was a nice selection, I'm really such a thoughtful friend. Here are some excerpts from the book...
Aren't they cute little things? I wonder why she didn't like it...
Anyway, if you are interested in it, the book is titled
"The Book Of Bunny Suicides".
Posted by jack at 11:58 AM
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Friends Will Be Friends
Someone commented that I don't seem to have many friends, which I denied. But then I had some time to think about it, and in a way, I might have to agree with that. Then again, maybe we don't share the same views on friends.
It's not that I don't have many friends, but I guess I'm just not good at touching base. I don't quite believe in being sociable, just for the sake of having a social life. I have friends who I rarely get to see, but I know that anytime I need them, they will always be there for me. Ok, so we might just do the occasional dinner or drinks, but hey, do I really need to see them all the time for them to know that they have a place in my life, or I in theirs? I see my best friend one week a year at best, if he comes back from London, if not, then it's a week every two years. But he knows I love him, and I know he loves me...
Then there are the other people who fill up my phone book and MSN list. Am I friends with all of them? Some of them might have been once, others are ex-colleagues or schoolmates. They walk the line between acquaintances and friends. Am I wrong to draw the line? I don't really know them that well to call them friends, maybe we just don't click well enough to hang out, but I like them enough to still do the occasional touching base.
These past few weeks have been a little trying for me, and it's at times like these that I realise who my true friends are. They don't really care how badly I've screwed up, or am screwed up. They like me for who I am, and that's all that counts, at the end of the day. You guys know who you are, and you've been awesome! This one's for you.
"Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love
They give you care and attention
Friends wil be friends
When you're through with life
And all is hope is lost
Just hold out your hand
'Cos friends will be friends
Right till the end"
Posted by jack at 10:45 AM
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The Butterfly Effect
Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.
Six months ago today, I made a life-changing decision. Which brought me to today. It's been a long road, feels like almost a lifetime in the space of six short months, not even two hundred days... But I've changed since then, my life has changed. For better or for worse? Unfortunately I can't really tell, I will only be able to answer that in retrospect. It's been good, it's been bad. You've shown me heaven, you've dragged me to hell. But at the end of the day, I will say this, I have no regrets. Thinking of what-ifs will be just that, only thoughts, so not much point in that, is there? You kept your side of the bargain, and I kept mine. It's not been easy, but I believe in doing what I say I will. And like I said in my first paragraph, that too will bring it's own set of chain reactions.
I am just amazed at how a small decision can be so impactful. Did I ever tell you I hate butterflies?
Posted by jack at 9:20 AM
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Monday, October 02, 2006
It's Been Forever
It's been forever since I've talked to you... and I miss the sound of your voice.
It's been forever since I've seen you... and I miss the smile on your face.
It's been forever since I've felt your touch... and I miss your kiss.
It's been forever, and forever's way too long... I miss you.
Posted by jack at 10:30 AM
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My New Third Place

This is my new store... as it was this morning... it's like a war zone now, well, almost. I think bookstores look their best when the shelves are empty! Well, they look their best, but so damn boring! Almost like Ikea?
Anyway, today is the first day of the sort. (Borders-speak for shelving a new store!) I'm not tired, just a little braindead from thinking if A comes before B which comes before C... (ok, those of you who have never worked in a bookstore would never understand that feeling!) I can't wait to finish getting all those books on the shelves. Actually, I can't wait for the store to open.
Ok, a little bit of advertising here... Harris is located at Orchard MRT, on the back side... the Orchard Boulevard side. Scheduled opening is next week (I don't think I'm allowed to say when) so if you guys are around the area, please stop by and visit me... preferably with coffee!
Posted by jack at 8:47 AM
congratz..u'll see me soon enough..
what's your coffee again?
oh yeah..hao here..
A short americano usually... but hey, since it's you, I'll make it a tall, one pump hazelnut, one pump vanilla, lowfat, no foam latte!
See you soon =)
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Yellow wakes me up in the morning.
Yellow gets me on the bike every day.
Yellow has taught me the true meaning of sacrifice.
Yellow makes me suffer.
Yellow is the reason I'm here.
- Lance Armstrong
Posted by jack at 3:58 AM
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