Thursday, September 28, 2006
Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.
Devour films, music, books, paintings, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, light and shadows.
Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft!) will be authentic.
Authenticity is invaluable.
Originality is non-existent.
Don't bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it.
Remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: "It's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to."
Stolen from Paul Arden, who stole it from Jim Jarmusch.
Posted by jack at 11:44 PM
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Against All Odds
How can I just let you walk away
Just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking
Every breath with you
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me
When all I can do is watch you leave
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain
And even shared the tears
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
Oh there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds
And that's what I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you is
All I can do
And that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now
'Cause l'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
That's the chance I've qot to take
Posted by jack at 10:33 AM
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
My Least Favorite Song
My least favorite song in the world must be "What Becomes Of The Broken-Hearted?" They must've played it like 20,000 times at work today! No, seriously! Is someone like trying to kill me or what? Come on, how many times can one listen to the same whiny drivel over and over again?
If it happens again tomorrow, I swear I'll break the CD!
Posted by jack at 4:16 AM
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Back To Basics
As much as I miss the aroma of freshly ground espresso beans first thing in the morning, I love the smell of new books too, fresh out of a carton. (OMG! Closet geek!)
For those of you who don't know, I worked in Borders for six years. And now I'm back in the books trade. It's funny how sometimes life makes a full circle. It's a new store that'll be opening in Orchard... (no, not that one! Not the other one either! It's new!) And I'm really excited about it. For one, I get to borrow any book I want to, for as long as I want, so if you guys want to read anything, just call me! (oops, gotta make sure Chris doesn't read this!)
The other thing is that I'm back with the Borders boys, not counting Chris, that's five of them! So it'll be just like old times again, I suppose. I'll be with Elf in the new store. The irony of life? I trained him when he first joined Borders! Good thing I was nice to him then! Haha!
I guess I'm gonna be a regular customer at Wisma and Liat Towers now (well, LT only when you-know-who isn't there! I don't wanna spend my break retching!). So, don't forget my 25% discount, and I'll loan you all the books you want! How about that?
Posted by jack at 3:55 AM
yay!!!! i can start reading books again!! hehehe.. thanks jack..!! heheheehe...
Wah, Mia really fast seh! Of course you can... anytime =)
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My Summer Of Love
It was an indian summer, the heat woozy and claustrophobic.
Our protagonist meets, and unexpectedly falls for a girl, one who is just so wrong for her. This girl is everything that she isn't, one who seems to have anything she could possibly want, and yet still lacking... wild and untamed, yet lonely and vulnerable.
They start an intense relationship, intoxicating, passionate, mysterious, exhilirating. Theirs is a relationship of hidden romance, stolen kisses, wild sex, and make-believe perfection.
Unwilling to face up to the destructive nature of the relationship initially, and later on, unable to walk away, our protagonist finds herself changed. Maybe that was a hidden desire to taste life on the other side of the fence, maybe it was her girlfriend's magnetic personality that drew her into it. She was no longer the person that she was before the summer. She found herself doing and feeling things she didn't quite understand.
At the end of the summer, having become a stranger to herself, and everyone else around her, our protagonist had only one thing to do, one choice to make... all she could do was choose to walk away from it. To face up to the fact that their love was never meant to last beyond summer. She had it, she lived it, and now she had to let it go.
It was just an indian summer, after all...
The most dangerous thing to want is more.
I will post the movie trailer once Blogger stops rejecting my video! Watch for it!
Posted by jack at 3:36 AM
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A Moment Of Silence
Let us take a moment of silence to mark the passing of summer...
... and then we can move on to prepare for a winter of discontent.
Posted by jack at 2:49 AM
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Silent Voices
I hear your voice, and I feel your pain. I'm sorry I can't be there for you any longer. There is nothing much that I can do, and even if I could, it's no longer my business. I can't promise you that things will get better, because they never did for me. I'm sorry, but that's the way the system works. It sucks, I understand. But apart from telling you to hold on, I don't know what else to say. I'm really not in the position to help you any longer. All I can offer you is a listening ear, the occasional bitching session, and my friendship.
But know and understand this, no one is indispensable, and she won't be there forever. Just try and stay on for longer than she does. Things might not get any better, in fact, they might even get worse. But at the end of the day, she is not good enough a reason for you to leave. I might not have taught you a lot, but I hope I taught you to always speak up for yourselves. At the end of the day, you guys never needed me to do this. Stand up for your rights. Create havoc, start a riot if you must, but just make sure that your voices are heard.
Posted by jack at 9:00 AM
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Dying For A Ciggie
(17 June 2003, between Shap and Penrith, United Kingdom) National Express runs bus services throughout the UK. The service between Aberdeen and London takes approximately 12 hours. There's no smoking on the coach, making it a long trip for smokers. Sandra, 43, was riding south from Glasgow to visit her family, and she was getting more and more desperate for a cigarette. The coach stopped at Carlisle. Finally she could satisfy her craving! But no, she was not allowed to get off the coach. Sandra sat in the bus, becoming more agitated by the mile. She was craving a cigarette. She needed it now.
Fellow passengers said she became increasingly anxious as the journey continued, and started shouting that she wanted to get off. However, the coach was on a motorway at the time, and was not allowed to stop except for an emergency. They saw Sandra push her hands against the passenger door in the middle of the lower deck. Surely she couldn't be trying to get off the coach to have that cigarette she'd been dreaming of, could she?
Oh yes, she could!
Police concluded that she fell out of the coach, which was traveling at approximately 60mph, and was crushed under its wheels. At that point, the coach made that hoped-for emergency stop, but it was too late for Sandra. She died at the scene and never did get to enjoy that cigarette.Courtesy of the Darwin Awards
Posted by jack at 7:40 AM
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Hate Your Life And Want To Die?
These are like possibly the worst ways to kill yourself. What's the best? Hmm, I wouldn't know now, would I?
- Poison
What? Are we still living in Shakespearean times a la Romeo & Juliet? Very outdated! Moreover, if you can drink the shots pulled by certain unnamed Starbucks individuals, no amount of arsenic can kill you!
- Drowning
Unless you have access to a very secluded pool of water, some idiot is bound to try and save you. You can try holding your head down in a pail of water, but chances are, you'd die of a broken neck before you drown.
- Slitting of wrists
Option only for individuals who don't have tattoos on their wrists. And if you really wanted to feel pain that way, go get inked instead!
- Hanging
Ah, the favorite of highly disturbed male vocalists (Michael Hutchence, Ian Curtis) If you're like really fat, make sure you hang yourself from a strong support, otherewise the beams are gonna come crashing down!
- Pills
Again no guarantees. I don't know enough about sleeping pills to comment, but again, be careful. If you take too many of the wrong thing (for example, Ecstasy), you might also end up with a broken neck! (Refer to #2)
- Jumping
Effective, yes, but messy. I guess when you're dead, you wouldn't really care that some poor soul is going to live with nightmares of finding your battered remains with your brains all oozing out. Just make sure you don't land on some fat person who will break your fall.
If all else fails, then you might need professional advice. I'd refer you to the
Darwin Awards. Who knows? You might get a posthumous mention!
The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally kill themselves in really stupid ways.(In other words, these award recepients REALLY deserved to die!)
Posted by jack at 7:39 AM
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Little Dragon Girl

This is my friend Fei. I met her when I first joined the gym about two years ago? We hit it off almost instantly, because Fei is a HUGE fan of Starbucks. And if you are wondering about this entry title, it's because her surname is Long (Dragon in Chinese).
Fei's not a very big girl, she's like, I dunno, 1.52m tall at most. But what she lacks in stature, she makes up for in personality (and vocals!). She is loud, and she is passionate about the things she loves (the gym, the coffee, Andrew). She was the one who pushed me to try out for the instructor's course. She's screamed, and yelled, and threatened, and cajoled me into sticking with it, through all the missed cues, and wrong choreography, and alternatingly passionate / passionless scripts.
We were pretty close for a period of time, when I was still under training, and was practically living in the gym. And then too many things happened, I gave up on the gym, I broke up with the ex, I guess Fei and me just drifted apart. Mainly due to me, I guess... I promised her and Andrew I wouldn't give up on the training, but I did. And then after the breakup, I just wanted to avoid too many questions. I assumed that mutual friends would choose sides. I was wrong. This is what she said to me on MSN today...
"... just wanted to say I never took sides and I dun think I shd.. there are reasons why things dun work out and I shd be the last person to cruxify another.. as I am not in your shoes I wldnt know the reason why things happen the way they did."She was right, she wouldn't know because I chose not to open up. I chose not to take the risk of coming under fire. I chose to shut her and Andrew out of my life. I understand now that when you break up with someone, even though you may have to split physical possessions, friends shouldn't have to be forced to choose. I hope that even without the gym, and the bikes, and the muffins, and the beer, and everything else, we are still friends.
Posted by jack at 2:18 AM
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Posted by jack at 12:20 AM
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Five Years On...
Posted by jack at 11:33 AM
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Baby, Don't You Strut Away From Me Now
I bought my girfriend a very gorgeous pair of boots. Someone asked me if I'm not afraid of her walking away from me. (The Chinese have a superstition where if you bought someone footwear, they will walk away from you.)
No, I am not afraid. I believe that if she truly loved me, even a whole season of Blahniks (you wish, sweetheart!) would not make her leave me. And if she doesn't want to be with me anymore, no matter what I gave her, she still wouldn't want to be in this relationship.
Now isn't that more logical?
Posted by jack at 6:52 AM
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Return To Liat Towers
I went to Liat Towers to chill with Ely and Ryan last night. It was chaotic, as usual for a Saturday night. I did have a little reservations about stepping in, especially since Doraemon was running shift. Well, she wasn't so much running shift, but just pottering around, getting in the partners' way as usual (not my observation, it was an actual comment by one of the baristas on shift!).
I got to see Donovan, Opheleia and Daryl though. And Farhan too, who was just on his way home. I miss the kids. I realised this, it's always the partners who care the most. You treat them right, and they never forget you. Of all the friends that I have made in Starbucks, only a very countable few are managers, the rest are all partners, or who were partners when we were working together.
I did walk in to say bye to them though. And unfortunately for me, but fortunately for Doraemon, never once did she turn around to acknowledge my presence. Because I would have ripped her to shreds had she attempted a single word to me. But alas, it wasn't my night last night... oh well, there's always the next time!
Posted by jack at 6:23 AM
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Friday, September 08, 2006
I wrote a poem, a really crappy one... should I post it? Hmm...
Against my better judgement, and risking total humiliation, here goes...
Do not promise me forever,
When at the end of the day,
Forever is just an illusion,
And all we have is today.
My love will last as long
As the stars and moon in the sky...
Or maybe only just as long
As there are still tears in my eyes.
But when this has come to pass
And all is said and done,
Have no doubt in this,
That I loved you once.I can't believe I posted it. And no, Ely, I didn't plagiarise it... so should I apply to work at Hallmark?
Posted by jack at 8:39 AM
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Trust, Faith And Belief
I made a mistake in my last entry. In fact I've been mistaken for a very long time...
The reason people fail me is because I expect them to fail, a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And because I subconsciously expect them to fail, they do. It took me a very long time to realise that, and an even longer time to admit it. I am the cause of failure in the world!
No, of course I'm not.
I find that at my darkest moments, at times when it feels like my whole world is collapsing around me, that's when someone, in some way or other, does something to make me believe in the goodness of man once again.
I learnt three new words today: trust, faith and belief.
Simple words, really. But not easy to live by... this is what I'm offering to you, and I hope that you will return it.
It might've taken me a lifetime to come to this, but hey, I believe that although a leopard can't change its spots, it can change its outlook on life.
Posted by jack at 8:13 AM
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Hazard To Myself
Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
I can't take the person starin' back at me
I'm a hazard to myself
Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don't wanna be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody elseThat's how I've been feeling lately. Wanna know what my problem is? Me! I think I need to ease up on myself a bit. I've been a little too harsh on myself, I tend to set very high self-expectations. And then I project those same expectations on those closest around me. When no one can live up to these expectations (because they're always too damn high!), I get disappointed and upset. Instead of celebrating someone else's successes, I guess I've been harping on their shortcomings. I would really hate to be friends with me!
Fortunately, once in a while I meet someone who manages to put me in my place, and today, I met that one person. It was a very honest conversation. It hurt, but it's what I needed to hear. Hey you, I want you to know that I heard what you said, and I will act on it. I know at this point in time, I'm not the nicest person to hang out with. And you could easily have just not shared it with me. But you chose to, and I appreciate it. So be patient with me, keep the feedback coming, and when I really need it, an occasional kick in the butt. Thank you, my friend...
Posted by jack at 3:18 AM
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Alpha Beta Gaga
Ok, enough of uploading morose songs... here's a different sound. No lyrics though, but listening to it always cheers me up.
Click play to listen
Posted by jack at 2:12 AM
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Move Over, Carrie Bradshaw!
I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" last night, and I miss the media industry. Oh, I know it's one of the bitchiest industries and all, but during my advertising stint, I had so much fun. Ever been to a media event? The flow of drinks is endless. Of course there's the whole glamor and what-nots behind it as well! Ok, now I'm beginning to sound like a media whore!
A lifetime ago, I wanted to be a writer. I've always wanted to write. I did try out for some publications, but without a proper portfolio, it's not easy snagging a writing job in Singapore. And I don't want to end up writing movie reviews, or doing product write-ups. I want it all, the columns, the byline, the works. Unfortunately, somewhere in between then, and now, I kinda gave up on that idea. Now at the very best, I am reduced to authoring this blog, and it's not even as popular as say, Athena-Stars?
But watching the movie really set me thinking again. Maybe it's time to consider a change of environment.
Posted by jack at 1:56 AM
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Strange Foods
Anyone who's ever shared a meal with me will know that I am a notoriously picky eater. I drive my friends crazy when I ask them to pick up food for me because the food request will come with a long list of what and what not to have. However, as I get older, I find myself a little more adventurous with food. These are the things that I have tasted to date which are a little exotic (to me, at least!)
- bamboo worm
- sharks fin soup (ok, given up on this long ago)
- frogs legs (promised my girlfriend never to eat this again)
- ants on toast
- oysters (I hate this, but the girl always saves at least one for me! So sweet!)
- deer
- "gong gong"
- pork knuckles (I don't eat pork anymore)
- and now... escargots
This list will hopefully keep growing. I still want to taste grasshopper, snake, bat (erm, maybe not), and lots of other stuff... Dinner anyone?
Posted by jack at 10:03 AM
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Snails For Dinner?

Today was a really exciting day for me... I finally got my new tattoo. Damn, it hurt like hell! I will never get another one done! (Just kidding, Selina! Got you for a moment right?) But that wasn't the main highlight. No, the MAJOR event was dinner. I decided we should try Chicago's Steakhouse at Cineleisure. It looked pretty decent, so why not...
Now looking at the menu, Ely suggested, no, highly recommended that we order the baked escargots (snails for the uninitiated), and since I was feeling all stoked from the tattoo and all, I thought ok, bring it on! Of course while waiting for our food to arrive, she got interrogated quite thoroughly. (Sorry love, you know I'm a picky eater!) What do they taste like? Would I like it? Most importantly, would I throw up?
They came in a little dish with six holes. Thankfully they were deshelled! The sight of the little snail shells would have just turned me off instantly! I regret not taking a picture. Anyway, in the holes, there was this black mass, covered with lots and lots of garlic. That should have set me thinking, but no... Ely, being the sweetheart that she is, generously offered me the first one. Erm, how do I describe it? The texture was a cross between sotong and oyster, a bit chewy, but not very firm. I couldn't really taste the flesh, because thankfully there was a ton of garlic. I managed to chew and then swallow without feeling nauseous. The second one would have been better, except there was a chunk of flesh dangling from it! Chew, chew, chew, gulp, gulp, wash down with Coke. The trick is not to think about what you're eating, but just concentrate on keeping it down!
After two, I didn't quite chicken out, but I decided to let Ely have the extra one! No, seriously. I thought I did pretty well for a first-timer. And then after dinner, she tells me that the escargots were too well cooked, that they should have been a bit more raw. Oh man, I can't imagine the taste or the texture. Unfortunately, I think I came across as a little too enthusiastic, so now, I have another escargot dinner date with her! This time round, we will go to a proper French restaurant that knows how to cook it, and allow you to enjoy the total experience of eating a snail! Wish me luck!
P/S As I was coming home, I stepped on a snail. I think they're out to get me...
Posted by jack at 9:36 AM
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Monday, September 04, 2006
This Relationship Is Over
After such a long time of saying that we'll be together forever, I've decided that nothing can save this relationship. Although we've been through thick and thin, through heaven and hell, I guess it's time to finally admit defeat and give it up. After all, what's the point of saving something that's already dead?
I know I swore that I would be true, how I loved you in your perfection. I loved the way you looked, the way you felt, the way you responded to my touch... but it's all over now. Will I miss you? Of course I would. But it's over now, and it's time to move on... you know that there are some things that just can't be salvaged. Oh, I did try to make it better, I searched for ways to make this work. I've been searching for a long time. But now it seems that there really isn't any hope left. It's gone, you're gone. And I have to move on... I tried to be true for as long as I could, and I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to let you go...
... it's true, my much-loved 3rd generation iPod is officially dead. I'm gonna have to get a new iPod now.
Posted by jack at 9:23 PM
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Time To Get Inked
I want a new tattoo... I've been meaning to get another one for some months now. Maybe I'll do it later. It's not that I'm afraid of the pain. Truth be truth, getting inked doesn't hurt one bit. No, seriously. I just haven't found the time to go down and get one down.
Some people might think that tattoos are dumb. After all, why leave a permanent reminder of something that might be only temporary? To me, that's putting way too much thought into it. A tattoo is just a tattoo. If you want it to remind you of something, it can. If you want it to mean nothing, it can as well.
Anyway, back to the new one... I hope the same tattoo artist I went to for my last one is still working at the parlor. I hate having to go through a new guy all over again. Ok, now I'm all stoked about it. I'm definitely gonna do it later.
Posted by jack at 12:40 PM
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I miss Seraphina.
Posted by jack at 8:48 AM
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Saturday, September 02, 2006
Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow
I like the way you wanted me
Every night for so long baby
I like the way you needed me
Every time things got rocky
I was believing in you
Am I mistaken do you say,
Do you say what you mean
I want our love to last forever
But I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow
I like the way you'd hold me
Every night for so long baby
And I like the way you'd say my name
In the middle of the night
While you were sleeping
I was believing in you
Was I mistaken
Do you mean, mean what you say
When you say our love could last forever
Well I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow
You would run around and lead me on forever
While I wait at home thinking that we're together
I wanted our love to last forever
Well I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow
Click play to listen
Posted by jack at 2:29 PM
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