Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop died on Monday after suffering a major brain haemorrhage.
Anita was lauded as the "Queen of Green" for trailblazing business practices that sought to be environmentally friendly and won her renown in England and around the world. She was also known for her campaigning work on environmental issues and was a member of the Demos think tank's advisory council.
Trustee/Board Member1984 - 2007 - The Body Shop International Plc
1989 - 2007 - The Body Shop Foundation
1994 - 2001 - Mother Jones Magazine - Foundation for National Progress, USA
1996 - 1997 - Human Rights Watch, USA
1999 - 2007 - The Ruckus Society, USA
2003 - 2007 - Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, USA
Patron1991 - 2007 - Schumacher College for Human Scale Education
1994 - 2007 - Association for Creation Spirituality
1996 - 2007 - Body and Soul (women & families with HIV and AIDS)
1998 - 2007 - EMMA (Ethnic Minority Media Awards)
2002 - 2007 - Findhorn Foundation College
2002 - 2007 - My Acre Of Africa, South Africa
Campaigns involved in with The Body Shop and personally1985 - Stop the dumping of toxic waste in North Sea, Greenpeace
1986 - Campaign against whaling of sperm whales, Greenpeace
1987 - Acid Rain pollution, Friends of the Earth
1987 - Published first 'Green' Diary, Friends of the Earth
1980s - Against Animal Testing for cosmetics, collected 4 million signatures through shops
1990 - The Body Shop Foundation set-up. Over first 6 years of operation donated more than 3.5 million pounds to 180 charitable groups
1990 - Set-up project to refurbish 3 Romanian orphanages. Work extended into Albania and Bosnia
1991 - Funded Unrepresented Nations and Peoples organization
1993-98 - Ogoni Campaign against Shell and Nigeria
1994 - Marked 50th anniversary of UN Declaration of Human Rights, launched 'Make Your Mark' campaign with Dalai Lama, in partnership with Amnesty International. 3 million thumbprints collected in 34 countries. 17 prisoners of conscience released
1997 - Self-Esteem Campaign with its controversial mascot, Ruby, exposes myth of the perfect body
2000 - The Body Shop Human Rights Award launched, biennial award of $300,000 to selected grassroots groups fighting for human rights globally
2001 - 2007 - Challenging Exxon-Mobil, World's No 1 Global Warming Villain and campaigning for renewable energy for world's 2 billion poorest people, Greenpeace
2001 - 2007 - Challenging Globalization/Free Trade agenda of WTO, Trade Justice Coalition
2001 - 2007 - Sweatshop Labor and workers' rights in Free Trade Zones, National Labour Committee
2001 - 2007 - Free the Angola Three
2001 - 2002 - Positive Energy Campaign with Greenpeace
2002 - The Body Shop Human Rights Award. This second award was on the issue of the right to housing.
2003- 2007 - Help Stop Violence in the Home – Domestic Violence Campaign with Refuge (the UK’s largest single provider of accommodation and support to women and children experiencing domestic violence)
Campaign groups personally supportedMother Jones
University of Creation Spirituality
World Development Movement
People & Planet
Trade Justice Coalition
National Labor Committee
Body & Soul (HIV/AIDS)
Federation of Southern Co-Operatives (Poor Black Farmers support group)
Free the Angola Three
Greenpeace, Challenging Exxon-Mobil, World's No 1 Global Warming Villain and campaigning for renewable energy for world's 2 billion poorest people, Greenpeace
Trade Justice Coalition, Challenging Globalisation/Free Trade agenda of WTO
Amnesty International UK
Reprieve UK
I met her once when she gave a talk at Borders. She was one of the most captivating speakers I have ever heard. One could tell that her enthusiasm and passion were genuine.
The world is a darker place today.
Posted by jack at 12:00 PM
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Fuckwitted Appeal
I saw on a Facebook group that some fuckwits are starting a "movement" to bring Krispy Kreme donuts to Singapore... I love Krispy Kremes, so why do I say fuckwits?
Because the creator of the group claims that it takes $30 million to bring the brand to Singapore. Like, riiiiight! It's funny how one can make such a passionate appeal, but neglect to do their homework first.
Seriously, $30 million? I'd buy myself a private island first!
Posted by jack at 10:33 AM
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Doh! Nuts?

I finally got to try the donuts from the Donut Factory yesterday... After all the hype about it, the donuts were disappointing. I was expecting something more, after all, some people have even commented that these donuts taste better than Krispy Kremes.
Ok, so maybe the Donut Factory donuts aren't all that bad. In fact, they are pretty decent, but no comparison to KKs, and really not worth all that publicity. All I have to say is that I'm glad I only waited about five minutes for them!
Posted by jack at 9:32 AM
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Gwen Stefani is awesome!

I got Nana tickets to watch the Gwen Stefani concert for her birthday. We went to the one at the Sleep Train Amphitheater in Marysville. I could only get the second most expensive tickets, as the front ones were sold out! Damn!
The best part about American concerts? You can drink during the show! See the pink band Nana has on? You show your ID and if you are above 21 (legal age to drink in US), they give you the band. Only then can you buy alcohol! Well, you can't smoke but everyone else around us was smoking, cigarettes or otherwise! We got us a couple of tour tees too!
Lady Sovereign and Akon opened. But the best part of it was, halfway through the show, Gwen came to sing at our section. She was like just ten meters away! How awesome is that?
The downside of it was, (and I know some of you were thinking this too!), "Where the fuck is Marysville?" It took us about two hours to get there, and we had to stay at Denny's after the concert to wait for a bus / train combo back to Davis the next morning. The journey actually cost quite a bit!
But whatever, it sure as hell was worth it! If you wanna see more photos, there is an album on my Facebook.
Posted by jack at 2:53 PM
how come no updates la my fren!! hehehehe.. hope u n selin are doing great! miss u both!
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Saturday, May 05, 2007
Harry Potter
Ok, so I'm finally doing something that I thought I wouldn't do...
I'm reading the Harry Potter books. It's funny how I got started.
I never realised that I missed watching
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire",
I don't even remember it showing! So anyway, we rented the DVD and since the fifth movie only opens in July, I thought I'd catch up on all the little details I've missed! (Actually Nana was just going on about how shallow the movies were compared to the books!)
So here I am starting on Book Four. Shields Library is awesome, you can borrow up to 3000 books at any time, but strangely, enough, there is only one copy of each HP book! I finished the first three in two days last week, and the fourth was only just returned.
Unfortunately I can only read up to the fifth book as someone has the sixth until the end of June. Oh well, I hope I can catch up before July 21!
Posted by jack at 2:29 AM
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Friday, April 13, 2007

I saw Saturn in astronomy class last night! Ok, given that it was only 2mm in diameter through the telescope but it was amazing! I could actually see the rings around the planet! If I only took one thing back with me from three months here, it would have to be that sight!
Posted by jack at 1:48 AM
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Quiet Morning In Davis
I've been here for exactly a week now, and finally I have internet access! Had a little technical problems at home, so now I'm at the CoHo (COffee HOuse) waiting for Nana to finish her Ecology class. So far I've sat in (unofficially) for three classes, Astronony, Evolution and American Literature. It was interesting, but I think I spent most of Literature praying that the lecturer wouldn't ask me a question.
Apart from classes, Davis has been interesting. Nana thinks it's quaint, I don't agree. It is cool, maybe not in a Manhattan-style way, but it's different. No surprise that there're lots of college kids around, because it is a college town to begin with. I can't wait for this Saturday, it's the most awaited event on the Davis calendar -
Picnic Day. One of the pre-events is a cow-milking contest tomorrow.
We took an intercity trip yesterday to Fairfield. Now most people have never heard of Fairfield, because there is absolutely nothing to see or do there, except for the Jelly Belly factory! And the best part about it? You get free jelly beans at the end if the tour.
I'm not posting a lot of photos here on my blog, most of them should be up on
SmugMug, well, at least when I have a chance to post them. Check them out, leave me comments, drop me emails... just don't stop keeping me updated!
Posted by jack at 10:40 AM
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