Sunday, October 08, 2006

Random Musings Of A Gym Rat

I went back to the gym yesterday... today I'm paying the price for having stayed away for almost six months. I'm aching all over, and have sore muscles that I kinda forgot existed. As usual, my very good friend Fei was more than happy to see me in her Body Combat class, and she made sure I suffered as a welcome back gift! Yes, Fei, I missed you too! I promise I won't stay away too long this time ok? I don't wanna have to go through the back-to-gym aches again!

I heard that Jen has resigned from the gym. Am I happy? No. But neither am I sad either. How the mighty have fallen, but hey, we've all been in that position before. So I will not gloat over it. I am past being pissed at Jen. We were friends once, we are not friends anymore. I can hardly be bothered to feel anything at all over this piece of information. Good for a bit of gossip, yes, but not much else really.

What else did I do? I renewed my gym membership. So no more fast food, no more dessert, no more late night suppers for me... Yeah, right! If anyone has seen my instructor friends, you guys would know that they could eat a buffet clean, including dessert! So if you ever thought that to build a perfect body, you have to abstain from your favorite indulgences, I urge you to take another look at your friendly neighborhood fitness instructors. You'll realise that they are so not munching on a carrot stick disguised as a chocolate brownie! Right, Fei?

Posted by jack at 4:05 PM


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