Monday, October 02, 2006
My New Third Place

This is my new store... as it was this morning... it's like a war zone now, well, almost. I think bookstores look their best when the shelves are empty! Well, they look their best, but so damn boring! Almost like Ikea?
Anyway, today is the first day of the sort. (Borders-speak for shelving a new store!) I'm not tired, just a little braindead from thinking if A comes before B which comes before C... (ok, those of you who have never worked in a bookstore would never understand that feeling!) I can't wait to finish getting all those books on the shelves. Actually, I can't wait for the store to open.
Ok, a little bit of advertising here... Harris is located at Orchard MRT, on the back side... the Orchard Boulevard side. Scheduled opening is next week (I don't think I'm allowed to say when) so if you guys are around the area, please stop by and visit me... preferably with coffee!
Posted by jack at 8:47 AM
congratz..u'll see me soon enough..
what's your coffee again?
oh yeah..hao here..
A short americano usually... but hey, since it's you, I'll make it a tall, one pump hazelnut, one pump vanilla, lowfat, no foam latte!
See you soon =)
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