Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hazard To Myself

Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
I can't take the person starin' back at me
I'm a hazard to myself
Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don't wanna be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else

That's how I've been feeling lately. Wanna know what my problem is? Me! I think I need to ease up on myself a bit. I've been a little too harsh on myself, I tend to set very high self-expectations. And then I project those same expectations on those closest around me. When no one can live up to these expectations (because they're always too damn high!), I get disappointed and upset. Instead of celebrating someone else's successes, I guess I've been harping on their shortcomings. I would really hate to be friends with me!

Fortunately, once in a while I meet someone who manages to put me in my place, and today, I met that one person. It was a very honest conversation. It hurt, but it's what I needed to hear. Hey you, I want you to know that I heard what you said, and I will act on it. I know at this point in time, I'm not the nicest person to hang out with. And you could easily have just not shared it with me. But you chose to, and I appreciate it. So be patient with me, keep the feedback coming, and when I really need it, an occasional kick in the butt. Thank you, my friend...

Posted by jack at 3:18 AM


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