Monday, May 29, 2006
Tribute? Or Copyright Violation?

I don't know much about copyright violation, but I get this very strange feeling that I might have violated a few by posting these images on my blog...
Rene Capone is an American artist. I don't know if he's very well known outside of New York or San Francisco, but I happened to chance upon one of his pieces a few years ago, and I've been a fan ever since. I like his work, because they always seem to evoke a poignancy from me. They appear both melancholic and sad at the same time. In the faces of the figures that he paints, I can sense their pain, the one common theme I feel is that they are waiting... always seeking, always reaching out, always waiting, always longing...
Save the Picassos, and Van Goghs, and Michaelangelos for an art student... to me, art should make me think and feel and appreciate... art should make me want to discuss for hours and days every fine detail in the landscape, every facial expression... art should speak to my heart and soul, a living, breathing piece... art should make me come alive...
Let me end off this entry with a quote from the man himself,
"When one creates, the endless noise surrounding us gets worked through and for a time the world makes sense. After it is done, you have something that communicates.
I look at making art like telling stories. The greatest themes in life are explored through art. Love, hate, jealousy, fear, anger, passion and anything else you can imagine. I believe an artist's job is to tell these stories."I think it's worth your while to go check out his other works. A word of caution though, there are a lot of homo-erotic themed works, so if you're squeamish about seeing naked men together, then i'd advise you not to bother...
Posted by jack at 9:14 AM
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